LogTag Online Card Payment Scheme

Effective date: October 12, 2021
LogTag Online v1.6.0 onwards


LogTag is intending to simplify the way in which teams pay for the paid-for features in LTO by introducing a secure annual recurring card payment process (managed by a card processing company – Stripe). The subscription will be based on the number of locations they require with the ability to top up on extra notifications and/or shipping units.


Phase one will be a first step towards simplifying the subscription of LTO and will be available to US based teams that have previously loaded an activation code. The process will allow teams to purchase a replacement or additional location subscription and/or top up on notification or Shipment units in LTO using the secure card payment process via Stripe checkout.


There will be a new screen, ‘Prepay’ in LTO that will allow team owners and their administrators to select the number of locations they require for a
12-month subscription. The purchase of Notification units will be available in bundles of 500 and Shipment units will be available in bundles of 50.
Your teams will still be able to sell activation codes during phase one but it is hoped the adoption of the card payment process will reduce complexity for your customers and yourselves.

The current ‘renew’ process (combining the time remaining on an existing activation code onto a new activation code) will not be available to teams purchasing subscriptions for locations via the card payment process.


As mentioned in the introduction above, the ultimate goal is to simplify the subscription of LTO so that customers can pay for a recurring annual subscription that will adjust as a team increases the number of locations.  To simplify the subscription process, if additional locations are required during the subscription year, these would be charged at a pro rata amount to allow renewal of all locations to be carried out annually.  The purchasing of Notification and/ or Shipment units will also be available when they are needed with an option to auto top up to simplify the use of LTO.


A change in how rebates will be calculated for Location subscription has been developed to better reflect the up-front effort provided by your teams to our end customers.
From 1st November 2021. Any new purchases for location subscription, a 100% rebate (less credit card transaction costs) will be paid to you for the 1st year of subscription. There will be no rebate paid for renewal subscriptions covering future years.
This Sales commission change relates to both location subscriptions purchased through the online credit card payment system, and directly through you via the activation code system.

We Acknowledge that “enterprise level” and occasional “strategic” customers may require a different level of pre and post sales activities, and we will be communicating separately on any changes to the handling of these accounts in future.
During the month of October 2021, you will continue receive the usual 50% commission for any location subscription purchased, irrespective of whether they are new or a renewal.