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(22. NOVEMBER 2022)
New Features:
Added option in installer to confirm default settings for start application after windows start
Bug Fixes:
Do not try to reconfigure logger with limited starts if by default logger should be reconfigured after download
Corrected Spanish translation
Updated automatic software update check
(30. JUNE 2022)
New Features:
Added support for LogTag Online with Transport Layer Security (TLS)1.2 enabled.
Added option in installer to confirm default upload files to LogTag Online.
Bug Fixes:
Updated default email server settings allow to resend emails without user account specified.
Added multiple improvement to retry upload files to LogTag Online, reduce retry timeout.
Updated automatic software update check.
(18. OCTOBER 2019)
New Features:
Added support for UHADO-16, USRID-16 and HASO-8.
Added Spanish language support.
Added default email settings to make sending emails easier (no need to set up an email client).
New automatic software update check and seamless installation of new software version.
New feature that enables automatic upload of password-protected LogTags.
Added file upload to LogTag Online.
Added file upload success and connection error messages to Activity log.
Bug Fixes:
Store pending uploads between sessions.
Extended lower temperature limit for USRIC-8, USRIC-16 and UTRIX-16 alarm settings in profiles from -25°C to -30°C.
Changed application theme to match LogTag Analyzer.
Corrected consecutive alarms for TRID30/TRED30.
(26. MARCH 2019)
Added support for TREL30-16, UTRED30-16 and UTRED30-WIFI.
Added “Push button start from hibernation” start method for USRIC-4.
Added support for LTI-HID, LTI-WIFI and LTI-WM-WIFI interfaces.
Make it more obvious Xpress is running. The activity window is always shown on startup, and a notification displayed when closing the window.
LT Xpress will auto release interfaces if it detects LogTag Analyzer running to prevent conflicts.
Added support for SFTP and GMail OAuth2 protocols.
Improved PDF reports to include more information.
(17. NOVEMBER 2017)
Added Russian and German translations.
Performs loaded battery test on TRIL-8, SRIL-8 to confirm battery is OK for low temperatures.
Bug fix for not being able to save new profiles for large memory loggers when greater than 8000 readings set.
Added Charts to PDF reports.
Merged UTRIX-16 and UTRIX-16M profiles into just UTRIX-16.
Updated minimum between upper and lower alarms to be 0.1 degree instead of 1 degree.
Opens file folder if application for LTD and/or PDF file is not installed and button clicked.
Fix for File Controls in UTRID, allow temp unit set even when not generating file.
Fix for TRED30-16R beeper issues.
Several minor changes to ensure file compatibility with LTA 2.x.
Fixed reports to always display logo, even if logo file not present and can’t be created.
1.0 RELEASE 24
(15. MAY 2017)
Fixed bug where interfaces were not being released upon close of Xpress.
Display password if Config password is present and auto-config is enabled.
Support for USRIC-16M.
1.0 RELEASE 23
(27. APRIL 2017)
Updated some minor control logic for USB LogTag file generation controls.
Added UTRIX-16M, USRIC-8M and UTRID-16 download and configuration support.
Added UTRIX-16M, USRIC-8M and UTRID-16 support to file exports for LTDs, PDFs and CSVs.
Added ability to create UTRIX-16M, USRIC-8M and UTRID-16 profiles.
Added additional controls to the CSV Export functionality (separator, file extension).
Removed TRID30-16R entry in profiles (now fully supported in the regular TRID_TRED profile).
Modified body text in Xpress automated emails.
Fixed download bug with USB LogTags where a download could sometimes cause the program to stop responding.
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