Release Notes For LogTag® Calibrate



  • Hibernate smart probe capable loggers after re-calibration to prevent battery drain in “not ready” state
  • Added support for TREL30-16CP
  • Added support for CP10, CP11 calibration




  • Added support for CP100 probe calibration through UTRED30-16/WiFi Dual-Channel


LogTag Calibrate 1.9.3


  • Added support for dual-sensor USB loggers
  • Compiled for Unicode character in LogTag User ID
  • HAXO-8 temperature correction: Fixed reading of current correction settings


LogTag Calibrate 1.9.2


  • Added support for new models: UTRED-16, UTREL-16, UTREL30-16, UTREL30-WIFI
  • Added UHADO-16 calibration repair (sensor calibration damaged): Only “Reset to default” can be selected
  • Wrap User ID into two lines to support longer USB logger User IDs
  • Display all 12-digits of longer 12 digit barcode for USB loggers.


LogTag Calibrate 1.7.8


  • Added support for new model: UHADO-16 (HID comms only)
  • USRIC-4, USRIC-8: Erase readings when “Retain stored readings” is un-ticked
  • HAXO-8 (2.2): Allow storage of both humidity and temperature re-calibration parameters in one
  • Added warning message if authorisation code is due to expire within the next 30 days


LogTag Calibrate 1.7.6


  • Removed support for LTI-WIFI and LTI-WM-WIFI, these interface cradles are now ignored in Detect dialog
  • Added warning if authorisation code expires in 30 days or less


LogTag Calibrate 1.7.5


  • Corrected UTRED30-X upper/lower temperature limits in SDK
  • Added support for TREL30-16


LogTag Calibrate 1.7.4


  • Updated SDK to support UTRED30-16
  • Added support for UTRED30-16, UTRED30-WIFI
  • Add check characters to interface/LogTag label serial numbers, if new serial number format
  • Updated opening of user guide to use default pdf reader for OS > Windows 8


LogTag Calibrate 1.7.3


  • Updated SDK to support UTRED30-WIFI
  • Added support for HID and WIFI interface, refresh interface LED
    mode when timer elapsed and no LogTagIO
    operation currently in progress
  • Updated installer project to Advanced Installer 14.9


LogTag Calibrate 1.7.2


  • Updated SDK to support VFC400-3


LogTag Calibrate 1.7.1


  • Updated SDK and added support for Firmware in the latest models
  • Help button in Options dialog now correctly opens help file
  • Now uninstalls previous InstallShield installations
  • Uses new digital signature mechanism with SHA-256 signatures, not recognised by Windows versions <
    Windows 7 (Users with XP and Vista operating systems can still install,  however will get a Warning the
    USB driver is unsigned)


LogTag Calibrate 1.6.6


  • Updated SDK and added support for multi-alarm loggers
  • Added support for USRIC-8M, UTRIX-16M and UTRID-16
  • Added more text and help button to message dialog “Calibration damaged”
  • SDK: HAXO 2.2: Roll HUMCALVERSION to 1, if 2-point humidity calibration correction is applied, display
    warning message
  • Tidied up code dependencies/duplication for rounding and temperature conversion functions (use common
  • Corrected Authorisation code storage mechanism
  • Installer: Included latest USB drivers version 2.12.24 for OS >= Windows 7, updated user guide and help
  • SDK adds extra trip for single-use loggers (USRIC, SRIx, TRIL with 3 trip limit)
  • Added warning message if more than one USB logger connected. Ignore all other interface cradles if a USB
    logger is detected
  • Don’t evaluate USB loggers/USB interface cradles if USB port not selected in Comms Options
  • Block re-calibration of loggers with corrupted calibration table checksum (allow corrupted lookup table
    checksum, as this is re-created during re-calibration)
  • Display error message prompting user to contact LogTag if unrecoverable calibration table checksum failure
  • Enable tooltip display for wizard listboxes
  • Updated SDK for UTRIX, USRIC-4 and HAXO 2.2 support
  • Updated SDK to add support for 6.1 USRIC
  • Re-calibration not supported” message now also displayed for unsupported USB logger firmware versions


LogTag Calibrate 1.5.7


  • USRIC: Set volatile inhibit PDF generation flag that is cleared during next Preset configuration
  • Changed “Open User Guide” menu command to open locally installed pdf file instead of online version
  • Added support for USRIC
  • Updated SDK version to 2.5


LogTag Calibrate 1.5.4


  • Improved handling for unsupported logger types and format versions
  • Removed comparison of Product ID texts in Upload dialog, PCBA ID is sufficient to identify logger
  • Updated SDK to 2.4 release
  • TIC20/TICT/iS0Tag: Display “Re-calibration not supported” message
  • Updated installer to Advanced Installer
  • TRID30-7FW re-calibration supressed
  • TRID only allows 4 correction pairs, not 5
  • TRIL with format version 1: “Retain stored readings” always selected, user unable to change, this is
    necessary to avoid low temp cycle to slip through battery de-rating mechanism


LogTag Calibrate 1.4.7


  • Go back to humidity dialog when calibration values rejected by SDK and user cancels upload
  • Changed some dialog/error message texts
  • Copy/paste now uses separate clipboards for temp. and humidity values
  • HAXO: Corrected radio button behaviour when calibration values entered without selecting “custom” radio
    button first
  • SDK: Don’t zero rolling log buffer checksum registers when re-calibrating
  • Installer: Change user access rights to FOLDER_COMMON_APPDATA\LogTag, to enable update of authorisation code
    in LogTag Authority.dat file
  • Updated SDK to include TRID30-FW and TRED support
  • SDK now allows humidity set point at 90% RH
  • Improved error handling for situations in which incorrect calibration parameters entered(re-calibrate logger
    that has already been calibrated)
  • Converted project to Visual Studio 2008
  • Display error message for LTR_CALIBRATION SDK return code (HAXO calibration parameter check)
  • TRID support, now uses 2.1 SDK


LogTag Calibrate 1.3.6


  • Humidity default calibration updated


LogTag Calibrate 1.3.4


  • Added support for new logger models SRIC, TRIL, TREL, SRIL
  • Added communication options dialogue


LogTag Calibrate 1.3.2


  • Added “Calibration unchanged” radio buttons to HAXO calibration dialogs


LogTag Calibrate 1.3.1


  • Changed to 1.7 SDK
  • HAXO temperature calibration


LogTag Calibrate 1.2.6


  • SRIC support
  • Calibration date: Read HAXO cal dates written in Little Endian


LogTag Calibrate 1.2.5


  • New Menu item: Open online User Guide, downloads and opens pdf from LogTag website
  • Humidity calibration: Allow setpoint at 90%
  • Upload dlg and back button in Humidity dlg clear cache


LogTag Calibrate 1.2.3


  • Previous humidity calibration values: Temperature unit same as Humidity dialog


LogTag Calibrate 1.2.1


  • Changes to user interface: Button to display previous
    calibration values, copy/paste values, removed
    “Again” button from UploadDlg


LogTag Calibrate 1.2.0


  • Bugfix Tempco reversal, “Back” button in Upload Dlg now has same function as “Next”: Back to Detect Dlg


LogTag Calibrate 1.1.8


  • Changed tab control in Humidity dlg


LogTag Calibrate 1.1.7


  • Error message in Upload Dialog when logger changed and “Again” pressed


LogTag Calibrate 1.1.6


  • Improved temp and humidity value entry mechanism to skip empty entries
  • Amended version text in Confirm Dlg


LogTag Calibrate 1.1.5


  • TRIX dialog: Set radio button to “custom” when value is entered
  • Reset CalVersion to 0 when default calibration is restored
  • “Retain readings” on by default, non-volatile during session


LogTag Calibrate 1.1.4


  • HAXO calibration values are now temperature compensated
  • HAXO calibration values are checked for undefined %RH values, error message displayed
  • Changed TRIX re-calibration to correction table
  • TRIX correction values have to be at least 1 deg Celsius from sensor limits